A Tribute to Gregor Johann Mendel on His Birth Bicentennial

Mendel Genetics Conference

Brno, CZ

Dear geneticists, friends of Gregor Johann Mendel,

This year we celebrate the bicentennial of the birth of the father of genetics, Gregor Johann Mendel. To pay tribute to this pre-eminent scientist of the 19th century, Mendel Genetics Conference will take place between 20–23 July, 2022, in Brno, the city where Mendel spent a substantial part of his life, and where he laid the foundations of genetics.

Cyril Napp Scholarship for researchers from Ukraine

The Organizing Committee of the Mendel Genetics Conference has decided to support researchers from Ukraine by announcing the Cyril Napp Scholarship. Cyril Napp was an Augustinian abbot who recognized Mendel’s scientific talent, supported Mendel in his university studies, and created the conditions for his experiments on pea crossing.

The scholarship will be awarded to the researcher who:
– has Ukrainian citizenship
– registers for the conference

Upon meeting and proving the above conditions, a maximum of 30 researchers from Ukraine will have 100% of their registration fee waived. The scholarship will be awarded based on the order of registration and fulfillment of the above conditions.


Conference concept

  • Key genetics event discussing the development of the science from Mendel to the future
  • Sessions on the human genetics (inherited diseases, cancer genetics, gene therapies)
  • Sessions on the plant genetics, animal genetics, genetics of microorganisms
  • Novel emerging technologies in genetic research
  • Ethical questions in genetics, visions in genetics
  • Public trust in genetics
  • History of genetics: more than a century of international research into the life and legacy of Gregor Johann Mendel, the origin of genetics, and its development.

The conference starts in

News and events


SPOLEČNĚ, o.p.s.
Mendlovo náměstí 1a
603 00 Brno
Czech republic
ID: 26976307
VAT: CZ26976307
Data box: sq4uys8
Bank account: 197883555/0300 (ČSOB)



